Monday, November 15, 2010

Woman As Photographer: Picturing Life As A Woman

Mpls Photo Center - Call for Entries - Exhibit Competitions: "About the Call for Entries
Women have been actively involved with photography since the medium’s inception in 1839. The barriers to their participation were lower than in the other arts, and recognition often came faster. Yet women and their photographs have not been as visible as they should have been in view of their numbers and past influence. Only in fairly recent exhibitions and critical writings have women’s work in photography received due consideration.
Diane Arbus, Roni Horn, Nan Goldin, Cindy Sherman, KikiSmith and thousands more women use their cameras as instruments of revelation – often about themselves. In the process they challenge assumptions about what it means to be and be seen.
This International Call for Entry invites women from around the world to submit photographs that demonstrate a smart, critical take on women with cameras in this day of a more open and subtle notion of gendered identity.
Submissions are only limited by your imagination and may cover a broad range of challenging, personal, emotional, and political issues facing women today. Their work-life, home, family, friends, relationships, life partners, homosexual, heterosexual, politics, equal rights, stereotypes, causes, roles and wishes.
Christina Chang, Assistant Curator at the Weisman Art Museum, Minneapolis, will jury Woman as Photographer: Picturing Life as a Woman
Submissions Begin: November 15th, 2010
Submission Deadline: January 24th, 2011
Results Announced: January 30th, 2011
On Exhibit: March 4th - April 17th"

Wednesday, November 3, 2010